Friday, May 18, 2012

Here we go again! (4 weeks)

I don't think it's any secret that Trevor and I miscarried last June (2011).  I was carrying twins and to those of you who didn't know, sorry you're reading it here.  It's sad, always will be, but we're doing okay.  Actually...we're doing great!  We're already onto round two!

Here's how it's gone so far... Oh, and I might add, we'll be putting all the mushy gushy pregnancy stuff here, so proceed at your own risk :)  I realize not everyone thinks that stuff is cool so I'll mostly be keeping it off my Facebook and the other blog.

Trevor got home on May 4, 2012, a couple days too late to give this baby stuff a try...or so we thought.  We literally got pregnant the day he got home.  This past week, my period wasn't coming, but I didn't feel any different and took a test (Dollar Tree tests are the best by the way-seriously, plus they're cheap!) and it was negative.  Still no period, took another test-negative.  Yesterday Trevor and I went to Jon & Moe's for their groom's dinner.  Trevor stayed up there and is golfing with Jon right now.  On the way home I thought to myself, just take another test, who cares they're only $1.  So I did.  Now I've gotten pretty good at creating lines where they aren't, but this was no hallucination.  I am pregnant.  I called Trevor and told him I had a question and I didn't want Jon or Moe to hear his answer so he moved to another room.  Then I just told him.  This is all very surreal because we thought we had missed the chance this month.  So I took a photo of the test which makes the faint line even harder to see and sent it to him.  Three photos to be exact.  No response.  I'm in panic mode.  So, I text it to Tosha who has become a pretty good line inspector herself.  She confirmed it-two lines!  Then Trevor responded and agreed (I thought for sure he would say he didn't see it).  Trevor even asked Jon (a pretty logical dude and an OB-GYN at that) and he saw two lines, too.  WOW.  This is happening.

So, for fun, I took another one this morning and it was just a tad darker.  For those of you who have never tried to get pregnant, peeing on a stick may become a hobby (especially at only $1 a pop) when your time comes.  I did the math and I'm exactly 4 weeks today.  I never knew how pregnancy was actually calculated until I was pregnant myself.  Mini lesson: day 1=the first day of your period, approx day 14 or 2 weeks=ovulation and by the time you can actually take a test and find out you're pregnant you're about 4 weeks along.

Naturally, with everything we've been through, I'm nervous!  But I already feel different this time around (which may or may not mean a darn thing), so I'm just letting myself be excited about it all.  No symptoms so far (in the 10 hours I've known haha) other than some very minor cramping.  And, yes, that's normal.  I already called to get a referral to the OB we had last time because she was super amazing all around.  My next big pregnancy task is figuring out how to hide not drinking at Jon and Moe's wedding tonight and Trevor's welcome home party tomorrow.  Wish me luck!


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